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The Hometown Label

Life is not a Competition


Many of us will say that life is not a competition. Then before we know it, we find ourselves trying to outdo the other person with our actions or purchases. It is one thing to get or do something because you enjoy it, but it is another thing to do something to keep up with someone else.  Everything eventually comes down to our intent behind our choices.

Life is hard, and it is even harder to not compare ourselves to someone else. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that comparison is the thief of joy. Comparison robs us of our happiness. Part of our role is to optimize other’s greatness. Stephen R. Covey says, “Many people define greatness through wealth and popularity or a position in the corner office. But what I call primary greatness comes from character and contribution.” Primary greatness is within everyone. It is our character, competence, inspiration, contribution and everyday greatness.

I am not interested in competing with anyone because I hope we all make it.

