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The Hometown Label

Hello World!

It’s never too late to try something new!

So many times we sit around wishing around wondering, but that never gets us anywhere. We end up in the same place, and the only difference is that time has passed. We have to put our hopes and dreams into action for that change to happen. Our walk has to match our talk. As the month of January comes to an end, my goals are still on that sticky note without being crossed off or accomplished.

When is the last time you did something for the first time? I heard a song come across my radio in the car this afternoon with those lyrics. Why is it that as we age, we tend to not try as many new things? We begin to be stuck in our old ways and habits. Sometimes I feel like I am living the same day over and over with very little differences between each day.

To get out of that static trap, I am branching out to this new world of blogging. I look forward to sharing labels I love to wear, my lifestyle of being a mom, wife, and educator, my interest in celebrating others, and addiction of home decor!

